Prime minister nouri al-maliki biography template

prime minister nouri al-maliki biography template

Nouri al-Maliki Biography - Pantheon

    Nouri al-Maliki (born July 1, , near Al-Ḥillah, Iraq) is a politician who was the prime minister of Iraq from to Participation in the Islamic Daʿwah Party.
Nouri al-Maliki - Wikipedia

Profile: Nouri Maliki - BBC News

    Nouri al-Maliki (born July 1, , near Al-Ḥillah, Iraq) is a politician who was the prime minister of Iraq from to Participation in the Islamic Daʿwah Party Maliki’s grandfather was a prominent poet and briefly () a government minister.

Nouri al-Maliki: Prime Minister of Iraq (1950-) | Biography ...

  • Nouri al-Maliki (born July 1, 1950, near Al-Ḥillah, Iraq) is a politician who was the prime minister of Iraq from 2006 to 2014.
  • Nuri Kamil al-Maliki

    Prime Minister of Iraq
    Date of Birth: 24.06.1950
    Country: Iraq

    1. Biography of Nouri Kamel al-Maliki
    2. Opposition and Exile
    3. Return to Iraq
    4. Personal Life

    Biography of Nouri Kamel al-Maliki

    Nouri Kamel al-Maliki, the newly appointed Prime Minister of Iraq, was born in 1950 in the city of El-Hindiya, a suburb of El-Hilla in southern Iraq, into a Shiite family. He completed his education at a religious college in Baghdad and continued his studies at Baghdad University, where he defended his master's thesis in Arabic literature.

    Opposition and Exile

    After graduating from college, al-Maliki lived in El-Hilla for some time, working in the education sector. He became a member of the opposition party, Al-Dawa, and in 1980, he was sentenced to death for his party activities. Al-Maliki, along with his comrades, fled to Iran. During the Iran-Iraq war, he decided to settle in Syria. In Damascus, al-Maliki led an armed group responsible for tr

    nouri al-maliki son is an Iraqi politician and leader of the Islamic Dawa Party since 2007.
    al-maliki meaning The celebration ceremony of Iraq's national sovereignty was attended by Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, left, and the Minister of Defense, Abd al-Qadir, right, Baghdad, 30 June On 2 January , the Wall Street Journal published an interview with al-Maliki in which he said he wished he could end his term before it expires in
    iraq prime minister list Nouri al-Maliki emerged as Iraq's prime minister in 2006, he was so unknown that officials in the Bush administration didn't even use his correct first name.

    Nouri Kamil al-Maliki -

  • Nouri al-Maliki became Iraq's prime minister on May 20, 2006, as the country appeared to be unravelling due to sectarian violence and militia warfare.
  • Nouri Al-Maliki Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family Life ...

      Prime Minister of Iraq.

    Ibrahim al-Jaafari | Biography, Iraq, & Prime Minister ...

  • Nouri Kamil Muhammad-Hasan al-Maliki (Arabic: نوري كامل محمد حسن المالكي; born 20 June ), also known as Jawad al-Maliki (جواد المالكي), is an Iraqi politician and leader of the Islamic Dawa Party since He served as the Prime Minister of Iraq from to and as Vice President from to and again from to
  • Nouri al-Maliki –

      Nouri Al-Maliki is an Iraqi political leader, who served as the Prime Minister of Iraq from to This biography of Nourii Al-Maliki provides detailed information about his childhood, life, political career, achievements and timeline.

    Nouri al-Maliki - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Nouri Kamel al-Maliki, the newly appointed Prime Minister of Iraq, was born in in the city of El-Hindiya, a suburb of El-Hilla in southern Iraq, into a Shiite family.