Ancel roget biography

ancel roget biography

Why Ancel Roget is right - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

    Last week, Ancel Roget, current president of the Joint Trade Union Movement, made a statement, as the voice of his organisation, which he said represents somewhat less than 20 per cent of the workforce in TT overall.

Oilfields Workers' Trade Union

Trade union in Trinidad and Tobago

The Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) is one of the most powerful trade unions in Trinidad and Tobago. Currently led by Ancel Roget, the union was born out of the 1937 labour riots, the union was nominally led by the imprisoned TUB Butler but was actually organised by lawyerAdrian Cola Rienzi.


The union was established on 25 July 1937, and formally registered on 15 September. The first meetings were held in Fyzabad, and the first official headquarters were established on Coffee Street, San Fernando.[1] The first official meeting of the Union was held on 15 July 1937, at Mr. Williams quarters, Coon Town, Forest Reserve, Fyzabad. The first officers elected to office were Caleb Roach, chairman, McDonald Moses, Vice President, E. R. Blades, Secretary and E. Bennet, Treasurer. The OWTU was formally established just days later on 25 July 1937, at its Founding Conference, held at Saltfi

Bad Boy Ancel Roget - Page 2-

  • The Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) is one of the most powerful trade unions in Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Roget: Unions uniting to fight injustice

    OWTU Honours Errol McLeod, Elects New Comrades to Lead ...

      Pres­i­dent Gen­er­al of the Oil­fields Work­ers’ Trade Union (OW­TU) An­cel Ro­get will con­tin­ue for an­oth­er three years as the union says that a new ex­ec­u­tive com­mit­tee has been nom­i­nat­ed un­op­posed for the – term.

    Labour leaders seek alliance with UNC, other parties – Roget ...

      Thursday OWTU president general Ancel Roget addresses the media outside the Office of the Attorney General, Port of Spain on May 5.

    Oilfields Workers' Trade Union - Wikipedia

  • Currently led by Ancel Roget, the union was born out of the 1937 labour riots, the union was nominally led by the imprisoned TUB Butler but was actually.
  • Roget gets another term as OWTU President General

  • Experience: Oilfields Workers' Trade Union · Location: Trinidad and Tobago · 1 connection on LinkedIn.
  • how old is ancel roget Ancel Roget, current president of the Joint Trade Union Movement, made a statement, as the voice of his organisation, which he said represents somewhat less.
    list of trade union leaders in trinidad and tobago OWTU headquarters, San Fernando.
    Members of the joint trade union movement have hailed Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) leader Ancel Roget as a hero for breaking the five per cent wage.

    Ancel Roget Remains President General - TTT News

      Ancel Roget was elected to fill the large shoes of ICEM Executive Committee Member McLeod, while David Abdullah was elected to the position of General Secretary.

    OWTU to hit the streets | Local News |

  • Pres­i­dent Gen­er­al of the Oil­fields Work­ers’ Trade Union (OW­TU) An­cel Ro­get will con­tin­ue for an­oth­er three years as the union says that a new ex­ec­u­tive com­mit­tee has been nom­i­nat­ed un­op­posed for the 2019 – 2022 term.