dbo:abstract | - Zyrafete Gashi (5 October 1955 - 30 July 2013) simply known as Zyra was an Albanian Kosovar comedian. For over three decades active in the comedy stage, Zyra was known for many of roles. The role she got her pseudonym from was Zyra, an Albanian old-woman with old traditions, Zet’hanja, a police woman, Tetka Dragica, a Serbian Kosovar old-woman from Graçanica complaining about living with Albanians, and many others. She is known for adapting humor and realistic
Zyrafete Gashi - Wikipedia - Mashhura Ochilova was born on August 14, in Sherabod, Surkhandarya region.
Intervista e fundit e Zyrafete Gashi - ZYRA - YouTubeNë të njëjtën ditë, para gjashtë vitesh, ndërroi jetë aktorja Zyrafete Gashi, që gati për dy dekada e argëtoi publikun kosovar, me skeçet e saja humoristike.