Wenda trevathan biography channel

wenda trevathan biography channel

Ancient Bodies, Modern Lives: How Evolution Has Shaped Women ...

Essentials of Physical Anthropology Loose Leaf -
CARTA: Birth to Grandmotherhood: Childrearing in Human Evolution – Birth and the Newborn Infant, Infant State in Apes and Humans, and Born Human: How the.
In this talk, Wenda Trevathan of New Mexico State University focuses on energetic and biomechanical factors that converge at the time of birth to set the.


    Wenda R. Trevathan is a biological anthropologist whose research focuses on the evolutionary and biocultural factors underlying human reproduction including childbirth, maternal behavior, sexuality, and menopause.

Introduction to Physical Anthropology 2009-2010 Edition 12th ...

  • Trevathan, Wenda.
  • Essentials of Physical Anthropology 9th Edition -

  • Wenda Trevathan is Regents Professor of Anthropology at New Mexico State University where she teaches courses in medical and nutritional anthropology.
  • ‪Wenda Trevathan‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

  • Wenda R. Trevathan is a biological anthropologist whose research focuses on the evolutionary and biocultural factors underlying human reproduction including childbirth, maternal behavior, sexuality, and menopause.
  • Wenda R. Trevathan

    Evolutionary Medicine and Women’s Health

    For many women, “morning sickness” is one of the first signals of pregnancy. Regarding this symptom as a problem, conventional medicine has invested considerable effort in the search for a safe drug to diminish the nausea that so frequently accompanies the first trimester of pregnancy. But what if this admittedly uncomfortable and inconvenient symptom is not a defect, but rather a natural defense mechanism?

    “From an evolutionary perspective, morning sickness leads women to avoid the consumption of foods that may be especially toxic to the developing fetus,” said anthropologist Wenda Trevathan, who also trained as a midwife. “Up to a point, the nausea serves a purpose: it was naturally selected because it protected the embryos. So unless the morning sickness is extreme, evolutionary medicine would encourage women to tolerate the nausea rather than treat it with something that may harm the fetus.”

    The relatively new term

    Wenda Trevathan | Center for Academic Research and Training ...

      Trevathan, Wenda.

    Prof. Wenda Trevathan | HSTalks

      Wenda Trevathan is Regents Professor of Anthropology Emerita at New Mexico State University.

    Wenda TREVATHAN | PhD | New Mexico State University, New ...

  • Puberty, growth, and mucosal immunity in Bolivian adolescents | Carolyn.