Tappin gofton biography examples

tappin gofton biography examples

Tappin Gofton - Wikipedia

    Tappin Gofton is a graphic design agency consisting of Mark Tappin and Simon Gofton, best known for designing album covers.
x and y anime They have good pedigrees: Mark Tappin was at Blue Source, Simon Gofton at Tom Hingston Studio, both important studios in the UK music design.
coldplay mylo xyloto Tappin Gofton was founded by Mark Tappin, who worked at Blue Source, and Simon Gofton of Tom Hingston Studio.
viva la vida album The artwork for X&Y was designed by graphic design duo Tappin Gofton, formed by Mark Tappin and Simon Gofton; Mark Tappin had previously worked for Coldplay on.

Coldplay Album Artwork - 1883 Magazine

    The Coldplay sleeve has been designed by hot new graphics duo Tappin Gofton.

The Hidden Truth Behind Coldplay's X & Y Album Cover

    The cover art was designed by graphic artists Mark Tappin and Simon Gofton of the team Tappin Gofton.
Tappin Gofton - AcademiaLab

How ‘X&Y’ cracked the code to unlock Coldplay’s global success

  • The minimalist sleeve design for ‘X&Y’ – by Mark Tappin and Simon Gofton – uses the Baudot code.
  • OUGD503 SB1 - Secret 7" - Research - Tappin Gofton ...

  • tappin-gofton.63933/.
  • Decoding Coldplay’s X&Y

    X&Y by Coldplay, designed by Tappin Gofton, EMI, 2005.

    At a time when invisible data streams of binary information fed straight to our desktops are doing away with the need for album covers, it’s odd to find a record sleeve as the subject of media comment and speculation. Odder still that the album cover in question — Coldplay’s X&Y — should contain binary data as its central motif. Prophetic or what?

    The Coldplay sleeve has been designed by hot new graphics duo Tappin Gofton. They have good pedigrees: Mark Tappin was at Blue Source, Simon Gofton at Tom Hingston Studio, both important studios in the UK music design scene. Until the appearance of their Coldplay sleeve, Tappin Gofton were best known for their 1960s-style “agit-prop” cover for The Chemical Brothers album Push the Button. Their work for Coldplay’s third album establishes them as a new force in contemporary music design.


    Decoding Coldplay's X&Y - DesignObserver

  • Born in 1974 and raised in Hull, England, Paris has been the Tappin Gofton.
  • Tappin Gofton | The Import Design Blog

  • They have good pedigrees: Mark Tappin was at Blue Source, Simon Gofton at Tom Hingston Studio, both important studios in the UK music design scene.
  • Tapin Gofton - Translation into English - examples Spanish ...

      They have good pedigrees: Mark Tappin was at Blue Source, Simon Gofton at Tom Hingston Studio, both important studios in the UK music design scene.