Sbaker faculty uma biography
Faculty - Ida S. Baker High School
- Gwen Bedell Gadbois is the Accounting Coordinator for the Business program at UMA. She has shared her accounting knowledge by serving on boards and committees with non-profit organizations throughout the state, including United Way of York County, Grahamtastic Connection, Saint Thérèse Parish, the Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation, Kiwanis Club, and the Maine Adult Education Association.
Ryan S. Baker | Penn GSE - University of Pennsylvania
Faculty - University of Maine at Augusta
- Professional Experience: Part-time faculty for University of Maine at Augusta since Over 20 years’ experience teaching technology and business courses.
Meet Baker University - Baker University
Faculty and Staff - The University of Maine
- School of Economics Faculty Kathleen Bell Environmental Economics, Public Policy, Community Resilience Travis Blackmer Waste Management, Food Waste, Small Business Andrew Crawley Regional Economic Development, Labor Economics, Regional Modeling Angela Daley Applied Microeconomics, Labor Economics, Health Economics, Social Policy Keith S.
This list of books, articles and documents by Manchester faculty represents many long hours of research, writing and revision. | |
University of Maine at Augusta. | |
Bernice S. Baker. |
English Program Faculty & Staff - University of Maine at Augusta
Faculty - School of Economics - University of Maine
Adjunct Faculty
The University is fortunate to be able to provide our students with part-time faculty whose experience, credentials and teaching capability add to the high quality of our resident faculty. The names and titles of adjunct faculty who have earned six (6) or more service units at UMA is provided below.
Abramova,Natalia, Lecturer III
Adams,Elizabeth A, Lecturer III
Akers,Kim Suzanne, Lecturer I
Anderson,David W., Lecturer III
Ayotte,Pierrette R., Lecturer II
Backman,William H., Lecturer III
Bancroft,Donna A, Lecturer II
Bardaglio, Anne W., Lecturer II
Beckett, Philip N., Lecturer I
Belleau, Michael J., Lecturer I
Berger, Nathaniel, Lecturer I
Bickford,Susan C, Lecturer III
Bistrais,Robert S, Lecturer I
Bobker, Pamela, Lecturer I
Bolduc-Ignasiak, Sarah Ser, Lecturer II
Boucher, Bruce E., Lecturer III
Bowne,Nora, Instructor
Boyd,Brian B., Lecturer III
Brace, Patricia Margarite, Lectu
sbaker faculty uma biography5
Directory - University of Maine at Augusta
- Faculty and Staff Resources.