Risto stefov biography channel
Risto Stefov -
By Risto Stefov -
history. | |
History stops for a year in 1939 and takes you on a journey to experience the trials and tribulations of village life, tradition, and family. |
'Evidence of the Macedonians Throughout the Ages' by Risto Stefov
- Short biography Risto Stefov (Chris Stefou) was born in post war Oshchima in and immigrated to Canada in He studied Engineering in Toronto and pursued a career in computers while remaining active in the Macedonian community.
Macedonia - An Illustrated History by Risto Stefov
- Risto Stefov is our resident historian and recipient of our Silver Shield Award for outstanding contribution to the Canadian Macedonian community.
History of the Macedonian people from ancient times to the ...
Chris Stefou | Author | LibraryThing
Macedonian History - Canadian Macedonian Historical Society
Risto Stefov and the falsification of Ancient Macedonian history
- Делото „Историја на македонскиот народ од антички времиња до денес“ е публикација на Ристо Стефов (Chris Stefou), роден на 11 јуни година во револуционерното село Ошчима, Леринско, во Беломорска Македонија.
Macedonian Narrative with Risto Stefov and other Authors