Osvaldo salas biography for kids

osvaldo salas biography for kids

Osvaldo S Salas, 52 - Ventura, CA - Has Court or Arrest Records

  • Osvaldo Salas was born in Havana, Cuba in 1914 and, by age 14, was living in New York.
  • Osvaldo Salas | Echo Fine Arts

      Osvaldo Eustasio Salas Freire (March 29, – May 5, ), was a Cuban-American photographer, remembered for his famous image of Ernest Hemingway and Fidel Castro in Cuba, circa , and for his prolific documentation of American Major League Baseball —and, in particular, the influx of minority players—during the s, all of which now resi.

    Osvaldo Salas - Wikipedia

      Osvaldo Salas was a notable Cuban photographer born in Havana in , known for his striking images that captured the essence of everyday life and significant cultural moments in Cuba.

    Osvaldo F Salas, 44 - Alsip, IL - Reputation & Contact Details

  • Osvaldo Salas was born in Havana, Cuba, and moved to New York.
  • Latin American Legacy - Baseball Hall of Fame, carousel

    osvaldo salas biography for kids3

      After having lived more than three decades in the United States, Osvaldo Salas returned to Havana with his family on January 2, His son, Roberto, became Castro’s official photographer.

    In 1959, Castro asked father-son photographers to record the ...

      Biography: Osvaldo Salas was born in Havana and emigrated as a teen to New York City.
      Peruvian movie, TV and theater actor.


      Osvaldo J Salas, 44 - San Marcos, CA - Reputation & Contact ...

    1. osvaldo salas biography for kids5

    2. Osvaldo Salas began the s as a welder in New York City and ended it as a photographer for Cuban leader Fidel Castro.