Mokena makeka biography definition

mokena makeka biography definition

Three Questions for Mokena Makeka | The Cooper Union

    Mokena Makeka is a Principal in Dalberg Advisors.
Mokena Makeka is the Special Advisor to the Vice President of Academic Affairs at the Cooper Union in New York, and Partner at Axum, an Afrocentric impact firm working at the intersection of. › 2020 › October › 12 › Uncategorized.

Mokena Makeka - Curator and Director - The Cooper Union for ...

    Mokena Makeka is a South African raised in Maseru, Lesotho and New York, USA and is an accomplished architect, artist, creative, curator, global leader, scholar, speaker, urbanist.

Mokena Makeka - IAAC

    Mokena Makeka is a Principal in Dalberg Advisors.

Mokena Makeka | Yale Forest Forum

    Mokena Makeka is a South African raised in Maseru, Lesotho and New York, USA and is an accomplished architect, artist, creative, curator, designer, global leader, scholar, speaker and urbanist.
Mokena Makeka - arquitetasnegras

Mokena Makeka -

  • Born in South Africa Mokena spent much of his youth in New York while his father held a post as an advocate for the United Nations.
  • Mokena Makeka | Yale Forest Forum

  • Mokena Makeka is a Principal in Dalberg Advisors.
  • Mokena Makeka - IAAC

  • Makeka, who was raised in Lesotho and New York, is an award-winning architect and globally recognized expert in urban design and strategy.
  • Mokena Makeka - The Cooper Union

  • Mokena Makeka is an award-winning architect, urbanist and design theoretician.
  • Mokena Makeka is a Principal in Dalberg Advisors.  Mokena Makeka is a South African raised in Maseru, Lesotho and New York, USA and is an accomplished architect, artist, creative, curator, global leader, scholar, speaker, urbanist. He holds a Dist. Hons, ( Magna Cum Laude) University of Cape Town (UCT). He was the Azrieli Visiting Critic of 2020, Carleton University School of architecture and urbanism- Canada, Adjunct Professor Cooper Union- New York, and is a Board member of the South African Green Building Council and is a board member of the Cape Town Central City Improvement district. He is a Young Global leader at the World Economic Forum (2015) and is a member of the WCS Young leaders in urbanism. (Singapore). He is an expert on urban development/affordable housing and infrastructure development. 

    Mokena has extensive experience of chairing, founding and serving on boards across the creative sector and built environment and some of these roles include the South African Heri