Miroslav kosek biography template
Velvyslanec | Velvyslanectví České republiky v Addis Abebě
Miroslav Kosek Profiles - Facebook
- Miroslav Kosek.
Ambassador | Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa
- Mgr.
Holocaust Butterfly | PPT - SlideShare
Miroslav Kosek
Mgr. Miroslav Kosek
Datum narození: 20. ledna 1969, Polička
Stav: ženatý, jeden syn
Jazyky: angličtina, ruština, polština
Vzdělání: 1983–1987 Gymnázium Polička
1987–1992 Pedagogická fakulta Hradec Králové
Freedman Catalogue lookup: artist Kosek, Miroslav
- Miroslav Kosek was born on March 30, in Horelice in Bohemia and deported to Terezin on February 15, He wrote a child’s rhyme (included on the next slide) in two stanzas without any grammatical errors.
Miroslav Košek | Database of victims | Holocaust
Professor reviewed Jan Palach's deed, his protest against reconciliation with the invasion of Warsaw Pact troops, the end of the Prague Spring. | |
Mgr. | |
MIROSLAV Kosek, who wrote these lines, was born on March 30th, 1932. |
Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Republic of Latvia
Organizační struktura velvyslanectví | Velvyslanectví České ...
- Ambassador, Head of Mission Mr. Miroslav KOSEK.