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New Bogleheads Podcast: Episode 76: Meir Statman talks about ... Meir Statman: books, biography, latest update
Today on the podcast, we welcome back Meir Statman. | |
Meir Statman is the Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University. | |
Bogleheads® on Investing Podcast 075: Jason Zweig. |
Statman, Meir
Meir Statman is the Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University. His research focuses on behavioral finance. He attempts to understand how investors and managers make financial decisions and how these decisions are reflected in financial markets. His most recent book is “Behavioral Finance: The Second Generation,” published by the CFA Institute Research Foundation.
The questions he addresses in his research include: What are investors’ wants and how can we help investors balance them? What are investors’ cognitive and emotional shortcuts and how can we help them overcome cognitive and emotional errors? How are wants, shortcuts and errors reflected in choices of saving, spending, and portfolio construction? How are they reflected in asset pricing and market efficiency?
Meir’s research has been published in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, t
Finance for Normal People: How Investors and Markets Behave
Meir Statman: ‘The Biggest Risks in Life Are Not in the Stock ...
- Meir Statman’s Full Bio. Meir Statman is the Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University.
MiB: Meir Statman on the Intersection of Finance & Life
Statman, Meir - Leavey School of Business - SCU
The Evolution of Behavioral Finance ft. Meir Statman
- Ph.D., Columbia University; M.B.A., Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Meir Statman (Author of Finance for Normal People) - Goodreads
- Meir Statman is the Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance at Santa Clara.
Meir Statman on the 2nd Generation of Behavioral Finance
- This week, we speak with Meir Statman, the Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University.