Elza zagreda biography of christopher
Bravo's "Odd Mom Out" Actress Returns Off-Broadway with ...
- Elza Zagreda.
Elza Zagreda - YouTube
- Elza Zagreda.
Elza Zagreda - Facebook
- Since then I’ve written 3 critically acclaimed plays: Corn Bread & Feta Cheese: Growing up FAT & Albanian, Divorce!
A graduate of Fordham University and NYU, Elza Zagreda is an actress, writer and comedienne. Elza has written and performed 4 solo comedies since 2005.- Corn Bread & Feta Cheese: Growing up FAT & Albanian,
- DIVORCE! Albanian Style!,
- The BEST of ELZA: Growing up FAT, Albanian & ... Divorced!?!?
- Dating, Depression & Dirt Bags... A Love Story
Her plays have garnered both critical and popular reviews in New York, Los Angeles, Detroit and Boston. She is honored to see her characters from her plays (namely wacky Aunt Shirley and the Albanians in the Bronx who hide guns in their underwear) make an appearance in Anne Giordano's play The Resistible Rise of Fatlinda Paloka. Elza starred in the New York City Fall 2010 production of the show.
As an actress she has worked in such venues as The Helen Hayes Theatre (sharing a stage with Vanessa Redgrave Elza Zagreda - actress, director, writer, producer - Kinorium
Elza Zagreda - Peliplat
Executive Producer at Rocky from Da Bronx Productions.
Elza Zagreda - IMDb
After the remains of a woman who was murdered three years earlier are found in a backyard, a composite sketch leads detectives to her identical twin sister.
Elza Zagreda.
Dating Depression and Dirtbags A Love Story written by and starring Elza Zagreda has returned by popular demand to Stage Left Studios, now through June 30th.
Elza Zagreda - Biography - IMDb
Elza Zagreda - Executive Producer - Rocky from Da Bronx ...
Worlds Kalaj #11 - Growing Up Fat and Albanian with Elza Zagreda