Commentaire photo robert doisneau biography

commentaire photo robert doisneau biography

Robert Doisneau

Robert Doisneau is a celebrated French street photographer known for his captivating images that capture the essence of everyday life in Paris. His ability to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary images has made him an icon in the world of photography.

Early Life and Career

Robert Doisneau was born in Gentilly, a suburb of Paris, in 1912. His passion for photography began at a young age when he received a camera as a gift. He studied lithography and engraving at the École Estienne, but his interest in photography continued to grow.

In the early 1930s, Doisneau started working as a freelance photographer, selling his photographs to various magazines and newspapers. He was later hired by Renault as an industrial and advertising photographer. During World War II, Doisneau worked as a soldier and a photographer for the French Resistance.

After the war, Doisneau returned to freelance photography and began to focus on capturing the everyday l

The photographer | Atelier Robert Doisneau

  • Full and Official Biography of the photographer Robert Doisneau (1912-1994).
  • EXPOSITION TERMINEE / Expo photos Robert Doisneau, l'Esprit ...

      Robert Doisneau was born April 14, in Gentilly, Val-de-Marne, Paris.
    Robert Doisneau - Wikipedia
    Robert Doisneau (1912–1994) is best known for his magical, timeless 35 mm street portraits taken in Paris and its suburbs.
    Known as the pioneer of French photojournalism, he would become most recognised for his playful and surrealist renderings of everyday French life.
    Doisneau specialized in capturing the true spirit of Parisian life.

    Robert Doisneau - International Center of Photography

  • And when she showed us this incredible Robert Doisneau-like scene of a kid and an adult sitting on the bumper of a car, I realised that the.
  • Robert Doisneau | Photographer - All About Photo

  • Doisneau is known for his image Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville (The Kiss by the City Hall), a photograph of a couple kissing on a busy Parisian street.
  • Robert Doisneau’s photo archives | Atelier Robert Doisneau ...

  • About the Author.
  • Robert Doisneau: A Master of Street Photography — about ...

      Robert Doisneau is a celebrated French street photographer known for his captivating images that capture the essence of everyday life in Paris.

    Robert Doisneau biography - Hamiltons

      Robert Doisneau is a celebrated French street photographer known for his captivating images that capture the essence of everyday life in Paris.

    Full Biography | Atelier Robert Doisneau

      Full and Official Biography of the photographer Robert Doisneau ().